This notes contains steps to install Ansible 2.x on Ubuntu 14.04 server and manage Windows Server.
– Install git
$ apt-get install git
– Clonning git repo
$ git clone --recursive
– Install Development Tools
$ apt-get install build-essential $ apt-get install python-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev pip install paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2 six pycrypto markupsafe xmltodict pywinrm
– Setup Ansible Environment
$ mv ansible /opt/ $ cd /opt/ansible $ source /opt/ansible/hacking/env-setup $ export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="/opt/ansible/config/ansible.cfg"
Note: Add above lines in your ~/.bashrc
– Create Ansible Configuration File
$ mkdir /opt/ansible/config $ vi /opt/ansible/config/ansible.cfg [defaults] hostfile = /opt/ansible/hosts library = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules remote_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp pattern = * forks = 5 poll_interval = 15 sudo_user = root transport = smart remote_port = 22 roles_path = /opt/ansible/roles sudo_exe = sudo timeout = 10 ansible_managed = Ansible managed: {file} modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S by {uid} on {host} action_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/action callback_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/callback_ connection_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/connection lookup_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/lookup vars_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/vars filter_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/filter inventory_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/inventory shell_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/shell strategy_plugins = /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy [paramiko_connection] [ssh_connection] [accelerate] accelerate_port = 5099 accelerate_timeout = 30 accelerate_connect_timeout = 5.0
– Create Ansible group variables
$ mkdir /opt/ansible/group_vars $ ansible-vault create /opt/ansible/group_vars/windows.yml ansible_hosts: windows ansible_user: user_name@MY.DOMAIN.COM ansible_password: password ansible_port: 5986 ansible_connection: winrm # The following is necessary for Python 2.7.9+ when using default WinRM self-signed certificates: ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
Note: As we are storing password information in windows.yml, we have encrypted that file using “ansible-vault”. Ansible-valut will ask for password to encrypt file.
– Create Ansible host inventory file
$ vi /opt/ansible/hosts [windows]
AD integration (Optional):
If we have AD authentication in place, you need to configure Kerberos first on your machine.
$ apt-get install python-dev libkrb5-dev $ pip install kerberos $ apt-get install krb5-user $ mv /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf_Original $ vi /etc/krb5.conf [realms] MY.DOMAIN.COM = { kdc = kdc = } [domain_realm] = MY.DOMAIN.COM
Note: To Get kdc list on any domain logged in machine just try: nltest /
$ kinit user_name@MY.DOMAIN.COM $ klist
– Check Ping to Windows host from Ansible
$ ansible windows -i hosts -m win_ping --ask-vault-pass
Note: –ask-vault-pass will ask for password to decrypt group_vars/windows.yml.
Note: To Prepare Windows Server, you need to enable WinRM service. Follow steps given on
Or Just download this Powershell script
And open Powershell by using “Run as Administrator” It should enable WinRM along with firewall rules on Port 5986
Also note that you must have PowerShell Version 3+ . You can get current version using $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
To Get Facts about Windows System, which we can use later as variables:
$ ansible windows -i hosts -m setup
To Create empty file c:\test.txt:
$ ansible windows -i hosts -m win_file -a 'path=c:\\test.txt state=touch' --ask-vault-pass
To Stop and start Windows Time Service:
$ ansible windows -i hosts -m win_service -a 'name="Windows Time" state=stopped' --ask-vault-pass $ ansible windows -i hosts -m win_service -a 'name="Windows Time" state=started' --ask-vault-pass
To Copy file from Linux Controller host to Windows Host:
$ ansible windows -i hosts -m win_copy -a 'src=playbooks/files/application1.ini dest=c:\\work' --ask-vault-pass
My directory structure is :
├── ansible-core-sitemap.xml
├── group_vars
│ ├── all
│ └── windows.yml
├── playbooks
│ ├── file_demo.yml
│ ├── files
│ │ └── application1.ini
│ ├── service_demo.yml
│ ├── template_demo.yml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── settings.ini
│ └── win_package_demo.yml
├── hosts
I am executing command inside /opt/ansible
Content of /opt/ansible/all
DocRoot: 'C:\work'
Content of /opt/ansible/playbooks/templates/settings.ini
Hostname of Windows Server = {{ansible_hostname}} FQDN of Windows Server = {{ansible_fqdn}} IPv4 Address of Windows Server = {{ ansible_ip_addresses[0]}} Document Root of Server = {{DocRoot}}
Content of /opt/ansible/playbooks/file_demo.yml
--- - name: Create Files and Directories hosts: windows tasks: - name: Create Empty file C:\test.txt win_file: path=C:\\test.txt state=touch - name: Create Empty Directory C:\work win_file: path=C:\\Work state=directory
Content of /opt/ansible/playbooks/copy_demo.yml
--- - name: Copy file from Controller machine to Windows Server hosts: windows tasks: - name: Copying file application1.ini to C:\work win_copy: src=files/application1.ini to C:\\work
Content of /opt/ansible/playbooks/template_demo.yml
--- - name: Template Demo hosts: windows gather_facts: yes tasks: - name: Deploy settings.ini to C:\work win_template: src=templates/settings.ini dest=C:\\work
Content of /opt/ansible/playbooks/win_package_demo.yml
--- - hosts: windows tasks: - name: Install Jenkins from Windows Share win_package: path=\\\\<ServerIP of Share>\\work\\jenkins-1.533.msi product_id="{A8699B6B-8EF5-41BC-9D4D-EAD3070D383E}" state=present
To Get Product ID of an installed package run below command in powershell:
get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name
Invoke Playbook using:
$ cd /opt/ansible $ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/file_demo.yml --ask-vault-pass $ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/copy_demo.yml --ask-vault-pass $ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/template_demo.yml --ask-vault-pass $ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/win_package_demo.yml --ask-vault-pass
– file_demo.yml will Create empty file C:\test.txt and Empty directory C:\work on Windows Server
– copy_demo.yml will Copy application1.ini from Ansible machine to c:\work on Windows Server
– template_demo.yml will deploy settings.ini from Ansible machine to C:\work on Windows Server. it will also get varialbe information from aansible facts and group_vars/all
– win_package_demo.yml will install jenkins…msi stored on remote Windows Share.
I keep getting this error message, have you ever come across this?
“msg”: “kerberos: ((‘An invalid name was supplied’, 131072), (‘Success’, 100001)), ssl: 401 Unauthorized. basic auth failed”
Sorry for delayed reply. Actully, it must be because either you are using AD authentication or you are not using AD authentication but configured in Ansible. Please mail me at for any queries.
Fantastic article!!
I get the following message when i try to run against my windows boxes:
“msg”: “ssl: ‘Session’ object has no attribute ‘merge_environment_settings'”,
Hi, I think this is because WinRM configuration in PowerShell on windows box. Try to disable SSL-TLS in WinRM-Powershell configuration. Also do mail me your issues on