Steps to take incremental backup of MySQL database and upload it on S3 bucket:
1. Enable binary loging in mysql for our database. Added below entries in /etc/my.cnf under [mysqld]
2. Restart mysql server
systemctl restart mysqld
3. Installed s3cmd & configured it
yum install s3cmd
s3cmd –configure
Enter AWS access_key and secret_access_key
4. Below script to execute incremental backup and put it on S3 Bucket using s3cmd
filename=mysql-db-backup-`date +”%m-%d-%y”`.sql
echo $filename
mysqldump –single-transaction –flush-logs –master-data=2 –all-databases –delete-master-logs -u DB_username -pDB_PASSWORD > /path/to/$filename
bzip2 /path/to/$filename
s3cmd put /path/to/$filename.bz2 s3://bucket_name
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