Manage AWS API logs with CloudTrail and Graylogs

General Process: Cloudtrail will send all API logs to S3 bucket And will notify to SNS topic SNS will send log details to SQS queue Graylog will poll message from SQS and get the logs from that S3 file By default all logs will be sent to “All Messages” stream. Stream can be used to…

MySQL incremental backup on S3 Storage bucket

Steps to take incremental backup of MySQL database and upload it on S3 bucket: 1. Enable binary loging in mysql for our database. Added below entries in /etc/my.cnf under [mysqld] log-bin=mysql-bin-log binlog-do-db=Database_name expire_logs_days=2 max_binlog_size=100M 2. Restart mysql server systemctl restart mysqld 3. Installed s3cmd & configured it yum install s3cmd s3cmd –configure Enter AWS access_key…