Setting up Self Healing Tomcat

System Administrator has to configure Critical services regularly. He/She also needs to monitor that services and if services stop then needs to start them. We can automate starting of service after failure using Daemontools/supervise. We can also use monit for same. In this note we will configure Daemontools to monitor Tomcat service and if Tomcat crashes, Daemontools…

Basic steps to Secure Tomcat 8

1. Change Server Header Response In server.xml <Connector port=”80″ protocol=”HTTP/1.1″ connectionTimeout=”20000″ redirectPort=”8443″ server=”<WhatEverYouWant2Show>”/> 2. Undeployed below applications – / -> Root app which displays Tomcat Welcome page – /docs -> which shows Tomcat documentation on http://ip/docs – /examples -> It shows Tomcat examples page on http://ip/examples 3. Restrict access to manager and host-manager apps. –…